The decline of the press in France: less and less media and more and more “silence” every day
As circulation declines and print media lose advertising, they become increasingly dependent on government support.
The decline of the press in Europe and France
The written press has been in crisis for a long time. It does not’there are not few who blame the’The Internet for the crisis in which it is immersed, although the truth is that studies have shown that the network is not the only one to be used for the purposes of the Internet’is that’a final chapter in the story’a problem that goes back much further. During the 20th century, the’They have not bought any for a long time, to understand the emergence of new means of communication’In France, the fact that the print media had a problem of dependence on the Internet has been replaced by faster and more attractive media, which have gradually replaced the newspapers.
But in recent years, things have gotten worse. The crisis in which the press has been immersed is a source of concern’s dependence on the press has worsened under the new regime’effect of the economic crisis. Newspapers have reduced their circulation and the number of pages, maintaining their reputation’In France, the fact that the print media has a problem with the dependence on the Internet is a major reason for the decline of the print media’They have been trying to get people to buy a newspaper on Sundays, especially if they are not using the Internet, instead of thinking about what this implies (and perhaps the best example is the Spanish canon AEDE) and have fired and/or casualized their journalists.
All of this has caused their newspapers to lose quality and readers to find them less attractive.
The newspapers if’sinking into their own problems. In fact, it is enough to’to buy a newspaper on Sunday, especially if you don’t have to pay for it’The newspapers have not bought any for a long time, in order to understand the emergence of new means of communication’state of affairs. The page count will be much lower, the price will be much higher, and the content won’t necessarily be of high quality either. It is not’It is not surprising to discover that the circulation of newspapers in Spain does not change’has never been so low.
What the four main generalists of Madrid distribute now is slightly less than what the most important distributed in terms of circulation of the four 10 years ago.
And if the circulation is decreasing (as well as the direct sales of issues) and if the advertising revenues are doing the same (the figures show a drop), the media have to find new ways to sell their products’other sources of income.
Paper media do not fit in
The Internet could be an alternative to the downfall of the print media, but one wonders if the traditional media really understand how the format works. D’In a way, they have tried to transplant what happens on paper into what happens online (although it doesn’t exactly work that way). The models of’subscription that the media have always put in place no’Print media have not worked particularly well either (and it is often surprising to find out how and what they publish online (and even what they do)’they try to charge).
If advertising still does not work and in the Internet still they do not have the time’If they have not managed to find their place, what is left then? ?
Readers seem to have a pretty clear idea when it comes to the issue’they analyze and criticize the media coverage of the’news in the print media. It is enough to look at the comments that’It is often surprising to find out how and what they publish online (and even the coverage of some topics) to see that they are not. Media outlets are increasingly dependent on their major advertisers, brands and companies that have a decisive say in their accounts, as well as on institutional advertising and subsidy campaigns.
The weight of public subsidy
This last point is clearly visible if the’In the course of the 20th century, the weight of the subsidies to cultural content in the panorama of the print media of some autonomous communities is analyzed (and if the’one then monitors what the media receiving the same publication publish). In the much more local headlines, the dependence on the Internet is aggravated by the fact that it is not always easy to find the information you need’Regarding the’The public assistance model is clearly visible when the party changes at the mayor’s office. S’they were too dependent on the media’help that the’If the previous governmental team was not successful, they would most likely start a media war against the new team.
In France, the fact that the print media has a problem of dependence on the Internet is a major concern’The problem of public subsidies and campaigns is so obvious that even the New York Times devoted an analysis to it (an analysis, by the way, that caused the media to become defensive instead of proactive)’s conscience).
A study by Telos magazine points out that in the regional press, titles can access cultural or linguistic support, but the criteria are unclear and it is not known if’They really promote these contents or if they are not’they are directly an oxygen balloon for these media to survive. But perhaps the clearest data for understanding this growing dependence are the data on the investments of public bodies in the media in times of crisis. The advertising market is’collapsed.
L’s only intention is to sell themselves to the highest bidder’not done.
L’Information is biased
And all this has a direct impact on how it is reported. As the popular wisdom says: you do not bite the hand that feeds. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we end up moderating how and what is published. If the’we add to this the fact that the crisis has had an impact on the workforce’If we look at the work of others (who have less time and can work less in depth), we can better understand the final picture.
Making the’The quality of information is more difficult and that it is not’It is not much more complicated.
It is enough to look at the’The Internet sato of the Spanish media has been almost forced after years and years from where the big political scandals of the last times come from, if they really promote these contents or if they are not’reporting on it. The big exclusives are starting to be in digital.
The jump on the Internet
The Internet sato of the Spanish media has been almost forced after years and years of being in the media’insecurity and d’uncertainty. However, the models of’Online businesses are far removed from traditional models to survive and proliferate in the new digital age without resorting to institutional favors. The freedom of the press is much more difficult to maintain. Above all, the’Internet can be an indicator of the true reality of the media, revealing even the shame of many large newspapers.
In fact, some of the major Spanish media would fall into the same abyss if their paper editions stopped publishing’to exist overnight. D’Others, however, and against all odds, have gained the trust of new digital audiences by becoming success stories. The key, without a doubt, is the strong conviction of the Internet’Quality journalism that is transparent and not subject to the interests of others’The United States does not restrict the creation of political or institutional entities.
Ignacio Escolar himself, journalist and founder of, explains in an interesting video, its business model, its accounts and the philosophy of its head.
Internet and media to misinform
However, the Internet does not’has not been to the’shelter from the problems of the real world and the outdated traditional print media. In recent years, “media heads and ghosts” with extreme ideological tones have appeared out of nowhere, with the sole purpose of misinforming and becoming tools of propaganda. C’is a logical thing to expect, in order to’reach the youngest audiences, as they are the ones who don’t want to be seen’It’s not a matter of having consumed the traditional press for years and for whom the Internet is their means of communication’usual information.
The Internet is a news and information bomber’daily news. Minute by minute and almost in real time, the Internet offers the possibility of giving the public information’information a more difficult’instantaneous. But also a medium, where despite the large volume of information, it is still difficult to differentiate lies from truth’information, it is still difficult to differentiate lies from the truth.
C’It is a fact that the traditional press is living its agony and its last days of glory, but beware, those who do not respect this profession and those who do not want to be a part of it, will not be able to do so’have the’s only intention is to sell themselves to the highest bidder, they have also decided to go for the most up-to-date information’install in this new digital environment.